Spring Cleaning Tips so you are ready for whatever is next !!
The simplest and most transformative thing you can do right now is to improve your home is decluttering, organizing, and deep cleaning. It’s also the least expensive! The future may be bright, or it may bring change—for some that could mean a possible move—but either way, if you’ve spent this quarantine time focusing on what you can do to improve your home, you’ll come out the other side ready for whatever is next.
#1. Go Room by Room with a Clipboard

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the idea of spring cleaning, so attack the project by breaking it into smaller bits. Grab a clipboard and go room by room, writing down the tasks that need to get done in each space.
Start with decluttering. What could you get rid of? A piece of furniture that serves no purpose, or that project in the corner you never got to. Maybe a stack of papers you need to go through. Whatever it is, add it to your list of To Do.
Next, notice what needs organizing, like books needing straightening and rearranging, clothes that could be put away better, or a closet that could be reworked. Add those to the list.
Finally, look beyond the daily cleaning and focus on what needs to be deep cleaned. What hasn’t been done in a while? Cleaning underneath the couches, wiping the baseboards, organizing the Tupperware cabinet, cleaning the oven, or calling a professional like The King to clean the carpets/tile/couches are all things you can add to the list.
#2. Designate “Cleaning Hour” Every Day
We all have the best intentions when it comes to spring cleaning, but when it comes down to it, cleaning isn’t exactly fun. So, we tend to put off cleaning as much as possible. Setting aside time and creating a habit will help set you up for success. Maybe set it for early in the morning to get it out of the way. You could break it into two 30-minutes sessions if that works better for you. Start your hour by turning on your favorite upbeat music and eliminating other distractions, then hop to it!
Pull out your clipboard and attack the list one by one. Some days you may be ready to hit up a harder task, but on the days when you are feeling less up to it, it’s totally ok to pick something easy. Be sure to switch it up so you don’t leave all the annoying projects til the end.
#3. Make it a Competition
To stay motivated and make cleaning fun, enlist the help of your friends and family. With others in your house, you could have prizes for whoever deep cleans their space first. You could even compete with friends and family who live across the country. Take before and after pictures and send them to each other. With some outside accountability and added element of fun, you’re more likely to stick with it.
#4. Reward Your Efforts
Being in quarantine may be difficult—it may be getting to you. After all, your world has been turned upside down. And even if you have many things to be thankful for, that doesn’t mean you won’t struggle a little bit. Spending time deep cleaning your house may take more effort than usual, and for that, you should plan on rewarding yourself!
Perhaps for every task you complete, you get a special treat or you get to watch your favorite show on Netflix. Maybe for every week you clean every day, you get to order something on Amazon or go on your favorite hike. Whatever you can do to keep yourself motivated and feeling accomplished.
#5. Call a professional to complete some of your tasks for you.

You don’t have to do it all yourself. And some tasks are just better left to a professional. For furniture cleaning (like deep cleaning your couches), carpet cleaning, and tile cleaning, you can book The King online here. They’ll make every effort to ensure that you and your household are safe, while helping you complete the tasks on your spring cleaning lists. Plus, it’ll give you a break from all that cleaning!
Cleaning isn’t exactly fun during normal times, but during quarantine, it can seem downright exhausting. So make it less overwhelming by breaking it down, and make it as fun as possible by enlisting help and rewarding yourself. When this quarantine is over, you’ll have a sparkling clean house and a strong sense of accomplishment. Plus, you’ll be ready for whatever is next.